Orlando-Altamonte Springs Bankruptcy Attorneys
For most people who file bankruptcy, the fresh start allows them to get their financial house in order and rebuild their credit. But sometimes people find themselves struggling with debt again for any number of reasons, including a job loss or medical emergency. If you have already filed bankruptcy, you may question whether you are allowed to file again.
At the Price Law Firm, you will never be judged. You will find caring attorneys and staff who are here to help you. We will help you explore your options for filing bankruptcy a second time and help you get the fresh start you need to get out from under your overwhelming debt.
To speak with a Orlando bankruptcy lawyer from our firm, call us today at 407-834-0090. You can also contact us online.
How Long Must You Wait for a Second Bankruptcy?
While you can still file bankruptcy if you have a previous bankruptcy on your record, you cannot do so immediately. You must wait eight years between Chapter 7 filings. If you have filed a Chapter 7 and are looking to file a Chapter 13, you must wait four years.
Call us even if you are unable to meet the time requirements for filing another bankruptcy case. We can probably suggest alternatives that will resolve your debt issues until you can file again.
To learn more about your bankruptcy options, contact us today for a free consultation with one of our Florida bankruptcy attorneys.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.