Charlie W. Price
More About Who I Am
As I mentioned earlier, I am a local attorney. I’ve been a member of the Florida Bar since 1990. I graduated from the University of Florida Law School with Honors, and was an editor for the University of Florida Law Review. After practicing bankruptcy law in Tampa, I taught for three years at the Florida State University College of Law, and then practiced bankruptcy law with Akerman, Senterfitt and Eldson in Orlando.
I’ve represented major creditors, and major debtors, in Florida Bankruptcy Courts. I’ve also represented Bankruptcy Trustees in actions against debtors. And, I’ve represented people like you — average consumers who have fallen behind on their bills.
I’ve also appeared on locally and nationally-syndicated television and radio programs helping people throughout the country address their debt and credit problems. And, I’ve written two books on surviving the effects of bankruptcy and reestablishing credit. The first was called “Life After Bankruptcy — The Complete Do-It-Yourself Guide to Surviving and Prospering After Personal Bankruptcy.” The second is just about to be published. It’s called “From Bankruptcy to Prosperity — Defeating Your Debt & Making a Comeback.” If you need to know more…give me a call!