by evolveAdmin | Jul 29, 2011 | Bankruptcy
While Florida bankruptcy filings show a decline compared to last year, experts say the percentages may be skewed. Most economists are not celebrating yet; they do not believe that Florida is quite yet on the mend as unemployment remains high throughout Central Florida. Some believe the drop-off was caused by a temporary backlog of foreclosure filings from lenders due to the accusations of fraudulent paperwork in 2009-2010. While banks sort though legal issues and company tactics, delinquent mortgages have been put on the back burner, slowing the number of foreclosures. The Hidden Benefit of the Foreclosure Backlog: No Mortgage Payments Some Florida homeowners who have lost their jobs or have otherwise fallen prey to the Great Recession are benefitting from the backlog. As lenders slow the rate at which they are filing foreclosures, many people have been able to live ‘rent free’ in their home, allowing funds to be used elsewhere. Living without a mortgage payment and being able to stay in their home is enabling some homeowners to get back on their feet financially, avoiding or postponing bankruptcy. The timing of a bankruptcy filing is a critical issue for anyone considering bankruptcy relief; the lack of a mortgage payment has given some Orlando-area families additional time and money during these difficult times. Bankruptcy Options for Floridians Individuals have two main bankruptcy options, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy, if filed correctly, will allow the homeowner to eliminate unsecured debt and keep their home. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows you to restructure all debt including your mortgage in order to make payments more manageable. A Chapter 13 filing...
by evolveAdmin | Jul 12, 2011 | Bankruptcy
For the hundreds of Floridians whose employment with NASA, Lockheed Martin or other government agency or contractor in Central Florida depends on an active security clearance, fighting a Florida foreclosure may mean more than saving your house. It may also mean saving your job. Although no specific reports tie the number of denied or revoked security clearances to the current mortgage crisis, federal officials have noted an increase in both for purely financial reasons, including foreclosure. Why is a Security Clearance Related to Personal Finances? There are more than dozen criteria examined in when granting or revoking a security clearance; debt is one of them. When an applicant for a security clearance has substantial debt problems, that person could potentially sell confidential government information to generate additional income. The mere existence of a foreclosure on your credit report does not guarantee that an existing security clearance will be revoked or a new request will be denied. Examiners may consider factors surrounding both the purchase of the home–whether the purchase itself overextended the borrower at the time of sale–as well as the mortgage status throughout repayment and eventually foreclosure–did the borrower take steps, such as pursuing a loan modification or short sale, to change or end the financial obligation. Bankruptcy and Your Security Clearance A bankruptcy on your credit history may also affect your ability to obtain or maintain a security clearance. However, as with foreclosure, the circumstances surrounding your bankruptcy will be examined to determine what impact, if any, it will have on your security clearance. For example, if the bankruptcy resulted primarily from issues beyond your control, such as a large medical bill, it is...